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致各位家長: 有關2025-26年度入學申請表格,由今日5月23日起,家長可自行到本校網頁下載或親身到本園領取有關表格。由6月1日起,本園開始接受有關申請表格遞交。如有查詢,歡迎致電2642 2633。 香港浸信會聯會利安幼兒園謹啟   To all parents: Regarding the 2025-26 admission application form, starting from May 23 today, parents can download the form from the School's website or pick up the form in person at the school. Starting from June 1st, the School will start accepting relevant application forms. For enquiries, please call 2642 2633. THE BAPTIST CONVENTION OF HONG KONG LEE ON NURSERY       網址website:   入學申請表格Application Form